Self Help

Health Visitor 

If you would like to speak to a health visitor please ring on 0300 1111022 option 4

There is now an Out of Hours Telephone Advice line which is available between 5 and 8pm on weekdays, and on Saturday mornings between 9am and 1pm. If your child is unwell with ailments such as a high temperature, vomiting, diarrhoea, coughs, colds or you are experiencing breast feeding difficulties or have a crying baby, and you are unsure what to do, the Health Visitor will be on call to give you advice and support. The Out of Hours number to call is 07834 754618.

Local Support

Playgroups and pre-school groups

Playgroups and PreSchools

  • Little Oaks, Manor Road, Brackley (01280) 840201 
  • Croughton PreSchool, Wheelers Rise. (01869) 811968 
  • Little Fishes PreSchool , Brackley Baptist Church, Waynflete Close. (01280) 705295 
  • Stepping Stones, Springfield Way, Brackley. (07751) 597251 
  • Acorns PreSchool, Helmdon. (01295) 768327 
  • Southfield School, Banbury Road, Brackley. (01280) 709792 
  • Puddle Ducks, Croughton (01869) 311222

Toddler Groups

  • Tadpoles Toddler Group (Term time) St Peters Church. Fridays  09.45 - 11.15 Contact: 01280 701864 or
  • Noahs Ark - Brackley Methodist Church.  Tuesdays 9.30 - 11.
  • First Steps St Peters Church - Thursdays 9.15 -11.15. Contact:  01280 701561 or email